Moderator 主持:Mr Chip Tsao 陶傑
Date日期:20 / 7 / 2011 (Wednesday星期三) Time時間:4:30pm – 6pm Venue地點:Meeting Rooms S426-427, HKCEC 香港會議展覽中心S426-427室 Organiser:Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) In China and Hong Kong, the Opium War (1839-42) is far more than history: it exerts a powerful influence on the present day. The war is the founding myth of Chinese nationalism: the start of a Western conspiracy to destroy the country with drugs and gunboats, and of China’s “century of humiliation” by the West. The conflict had an equally far-reaching impact on Hong Kong and its people, transforming the island into a British colony for a century and a half. In introducing her new book, The Opium War: Drugs, Dreams and the Making of China, Julia Lovell will be discussing her experiences (as a British historian) of reading and writing about this key moment in Chinese-Western relations, to show how one event – the Opium War – has come to define both China and Hong Kong, and their imagination of the West.