《Engagement Evening》Discussion & Innovative Thoughts on HK Housing: Development, Trends and Innovation in Hong Kong’s Housing and Property Market

Published on July 11, 2024 by

Engagement Evening

HK Development & Transformation Series

“Discussion & Innovative Thoughts on HK Housing: Development, Trends and Innovation in Hong Kong’s Housing and Property Market”

– What are the core issues of living in Hong Kong?

– Can each policy address specific problem areas?

– Can the current policy arrangements be integrated to solve Hong Kong’s housing and housing problems?

– Are there any innovative ways to improve the quantity and quality of housing, and use innovative thinking to make breakthrough proposals and practices?


Wing-ching Shih

Founder, Centaline Property / Founder, AM730 / Former Member, Hong Kong Housing Authority


Organizer: Incu-Lab, Community Development Initiative


Cantonese Version (廣東話版本):  https://ourtv.hk/video/20240711



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